One of the essential parts of a healthy lifestyle is physical activity. With healthy diet, there are a lot of benefits of physical activity such as the prevention of a range of chronic diseases, weight control, muscle-building, fat reduction, developing strong bone, muscle and joint, and decreasing the risk of obesity. However, because of the frequent use of entertainment and electronic media like TV, computers, cellphones and movies, only a third of high school students get the prescribed amount of physical activity.
Let’s Move! promotes more opportunities for kids to be physically active, both inside and outside of school and make more avenues for families to move together.
- Active Families: A total of 1 hour/60 minutes for children and a half an hour/30 minutes for adults of physical activities.
- Active Schools: Schools can add more physical activities into the school day, such as additional physical education classes, pre- and post-school programs and making school facilities open for student and family recreation in the later part of the day.
- Active Communities: Mayors and leaders of the community can promote physical fitness by providing more safe routes for kids to walk and ride to school; by reviving and enhancing parks, playgrounds, and community centers; and by offering fun and affordable programs for sports and fitness.
Let’s Move! also supports the Presidential Active Lifestyle Award (PALA+) challenge, which encourages people to do regular physical activity and healthy diet and giving them rewards for doing it.
For kids and teens (between 6 and 17 years), these are your goals:
- Physical activity: You need to be active 30 minutes a day, at least 5 days every week, for 6 out of 8 week-period.
- Healthy eating: Eating healthy foods every week is your goal too. There are eight to choose from, and every week you will set a new goal while keeping your previous goals.
For adults (people aged 18 and older), these are your goals:
- Physical activity: You need to be active 30 minutes a day, at least 5 days every week, for 6 out of 8 week-period.
- Healthy eating: Follow the same for kids and teens.